Relative Dates :

  • Friday, April 13, 2012

  • When you add actual dates to a filter, they are really only useful when the filter is used. If you want to save the filter for later use, you probably will need to modify the date each time you use it.

    To solve this issue, date fields also allow you to enter relative dates, which reflect the time they are used.

    Relative Dates : [m D] {1..N} where :
    •m is the multiplier and
    •D is displacement : Year / Month / Week / Day / Hour / MINute / Second

    Other options: now / today / yesterday

    Example 1: create a filter that shows a data for all issues that were entered more than 1 year 33 days -44 minutes from the time the filter is run.

    Date Entered > -1 Y -13days +44 Min

    Example 2: Find all issues that were closed in the last month.

    Close Date > -1 month


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