Everybody's got issues!!

  • Thursday, September 02, 2010
  • Yes it’s true!! We all have issues!! I’m not talking about raising a teenager, that’s another story altogether! I’m talking about team communication issues. We get so fragmented with tele-workers (our development staff work from home), global clients and less and less time for teams or departments to “get together” and talk.

    Using an issue tracking tool can certainly help communications. Forget the old way of doing it with spreadsheets or lists that become old and outdated the minute you send it out in an email. What about these meetings, were people come in with different lists? Let’s face it, meetings are boring!! If I could skip every meeting I’d be a happy camper. In real life I know I have to sit down with my staff but I prefer it to be the “exception to the rule”. If I’m going to have meetings then wouldn’t it be nice to view a screen at these meetings and update the tasks/issues on the fly! Forget meeting minutes, it’s already done when you leave and everyone sees the same thing when they go to their desks. If you’ve ever had to write up the minutes, you know what I’m talking about.

    How often have you tried to share a list of tasks within a department or small group and before you know it, it’s so big it takes hours to update it and tasks are late, and people have no idea who’s working on what and where it’s at!!

    In a nutshell that’s when most people give up on the list, and go back to their even less manageable “Cover your butt” mentality. As a consultant for years, I couldn’t believe how many of my clients still did it the old way. There was no accountability, no history or traceability and tons of finger pointing. On the other hand when someone is using a real time issue tracking tool that generates reports to themselves or/and their manager there is total accountability and these people are so much more organized!!

    Whether you are 3 or 300 people solving issues, a good tracking tool is the most effective way of managing it and worth its weight in gold!



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