Feature List:
- New option to add/edit groups/projects across multiple tracks.
- New parent/child custom field types for Cross Context relationships
- New drill down links to the summary menu.
- New multi-list ability to user lists.
- New Rich Text Formatting option for text areas
- New Attachment Feature with versioning / folders.
- New Filter Interface - added more explanation to the new filter menu and toggle to use old method (also allows oldFilterMenu option to default to old style).
- Workflow can now handle multiple rules with separate OGNL formulas.
- Quickview Improvements (allow ESC key to close window properly, larger quickview window to improve scrolling, allow close icon to scroll for access during scrolling.
- New checkDate routine to edit menus to confirm date formats before commit.
- New multiple edit warning to Live Update, which warns you if another user is currently updating the same issue.
- New checkbox to reports (for userlist fields) to use groups as headings rather than user names.
- New option to add blank to top of custom list type fields.
- Allow dates to default to a relative date.
- New notes option to export
- New comment/description to .Define filter. tab
- New second security string option to enable/disable security string in basic response.
- Added new .email new password. option to login screen for recovering passwords.
- New edit link to filter definition.
- Allow accented characters in field hierarchy names
- Allow substitutions in return messages for email retrieval
- Make a log of when shutdown option is used.
- Added oldFilterMenu and oldAttachmentsModel server config options for those wishing to use the old behaviours
- New OGNL java.util.Date() objects are formatted with sDateFormatInput.
- New security options - enforce password changes every 90 days, validate that new passwords are significantly different from old ones (by xx amount of characters)
- Added a checkbox to copy profile tab settings to all groups
- Event logging feature added
- Added ability to use AND/OR in searchString field on Quick Filter tab. This was a simple implementation for just a single field but we hope to add more depth in the future.
- Added filter speed improvement which runs security filters first if the user is using mSearchString which checks all fields and takes longer.
- Added clone link to quick view menu
- Added AND/OR option to quick filter tab
- New option for adding blanks to user dropdowns
- New priority ladder field (custom feature)
- new server config option (disableTrackCreateChoices) to disable create dropdown menu choices for other tracks.
- Field Hierarchy import option to add new field values to the field options when reading in new values for an issue. Fixed single relationship rows for importing.
- Testspec - export to Excel/Word added to Generate Document
- Testspec - added export functionality
- Testspec - added import functionality
- Testspec - test set date stamps now reflect the given time zone
- Testspec - Active test run results are now updating while test run is set
- Testspec - Added generate document option to test runs